While the transition to college life is exciting, it is a significant change that can feel overwhelming for both, students and professors.The truth is, more and more young people are dealing with mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, stress, grief, loneliness, eating disorders, among others affecting the entire mental health ecosystem of your institution.These concerns don't just affect on-campus life of students and faculty; but also, create significant life challenges outside the college for them.
of Indian students identify studies, exams, and results as significant sources of anxiety and stress.Source: NCERT SurveySource: NCERT Survey
of the youth in India hesitate to seek mental health support due to the belief that therapy is expensive.Source: YKA Report
1 in 7young Indians (15 to 24-year-olds) reported often feeling depressed or have little interest in doing things.
Source: UNICEF
The University Grants Commission (UGC) understands the need to ensure that all students have access to mental health services.According to their Students' Health Guidelines, having support centres, mental health professionals, and counsellors available is crucial to ensure the psychological, and emotional well-being of students.