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Published on
8th Dec 2022
If someone you know is suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it's not always easy to spot the symptoms. That's because people dealing with OCD often try to hide their condition out of guilt or shame.
But there are a few key things to look for. People living with OCD disorder might have a compulsive need for doing certain things; they are unable to control this urge. For example, they might repeat certain behaviours over and over again, or they might be fixated on cleanliness and order. Along with this, they might also feel a lot of anxiety and stress related to these unwanted thoughts.
If you notice any of these signs in you or someone you care about, reach out to them and offer to help them seek treatment.
The symptoms of OCD disorder can be broadly divided into obsessions and compulsions:
Obsessions: These are unwanted thoughts, images or urges that are really hard to get rid of. They are typically intrusive and cause a lot of distress.
Compulsions: These are the acts that are done in order to reduce the distress caused by obsessions.
Most people with OCD disorder experience both, but some people may only experience either one of them.
If someone has untreated OCD, they may seem secretive and withdrawn. They may also have a hard time making and keeping friends. This is because people with OCD often feel ashamed of their condition and don't want others to know about their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.
People with OCD disease may seem very obsessive about minor details. They may have a hard time completing tasks because they get stuck on details that don't matter to most people. They may also be very ritualistic, needing to complete certain steps in a specific order in order to feel calm or avoid feeling anxious.
Obsessions, by nature, are unwanted and hard to get away from. These OCD symptoms intrusive thoughts can be about anything, but they frequently involve fears of harm coming to oneself or loved ones. They may revolve around contamination, dirt, inability to tolerate uncertainty, orderliness, losing control or harming themselves, and aggressive, religious or sexual thoughts.
Some people with OCD disease will try to neutralise these thoughts by performing compulsions, or rituals that they believe will prevent bad things from happening. Others will simply try to ignore the thoughts, but that's not easy to do, especially when they're constantly in your head.
Compulsions are actions that are done to relieve the anxiety that stems from obsessions. The most common compulsions are cleaning and checking. They may also revolve around counting, orderliness, routine, or asking for reassurance.
People with OCD disease may spend hours each day washing their hands, cleaning their houses, or checking the locks on their doors. They may feel like they can't stop themselves from doing these things, and the anxiety they feel can be overwhelming.
If you think you or someone you know may have OCD, it's important for them to seek OCD help. There are OCD treatments available that can help people manage their symptoms effectively.
OCD can have many types, such as:
Checking: People with this form of OCD disorder worry that something negative might happen to them. They could continually check on something to calm themselves.
Contamination: A fear of becoming dirty or catching a germ is the defining feature of this type of OCD. It causes people to frequently clean themselves.
Mental Contamination: People with this form of OCD may avoid situations or people that can trigger them out of fear that their ideas are contaminated.
Hoarding: The major characteristic of this type is a deep fear of throwing things away, even if the object is not good enough to be used anymore.
Rumination: This type can cause people to have unpleasant intrusive thoughts about things like death, sexual OCD, and so on.
Intrusive Thoughts: This type of Obsession_Compulsion Disorder is characterised by violent intrusive thoughts. It can cause people to avoid triggering situations.
OCD can be a very isolating condition, and it's essential to get professional help in order to get the best treatment possible.
There are many ways to seek help for OCD disorder. You can see a therapist who can help you understand your condition and give you tools to manage your symptoms. You can also see a psychiatrist, who can prescribe medication if needed.
There are also support groups available for people with OCD disease. These groups can be a great way to meet other people who understand what you're going through, and they can offer support and advice.
OCD can be a hard condition to live with, but it is a condition that can be managed very well with the help of the right treatment methods. Reach out to a psychiatrist or therapist today.