Amaha / / /
Published on
23rd Jun 2018
People who identify as LGBTQIA+ seek therapy for various reasons, such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or the end of a relationship.
However, along with these concerns, they often have an additional layer of stress owing to society’s perception of and reaction to their sexual orientation and gender identity. These concerns include coming to terms with either a non-traditional or fluid identity related to gender or sexuality, discomfort with their own body, and coping with other people’s reactions.
Individuals are also subjected to bullying, discrimination, hostility, and verbal or physical abuse based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. This contributes to a fear of coming out. Loved ones may not be very accepting either, and lack of family support is a significant contributor to feeling depressed. Some caregivers try to “cure” these different realities, further implying that something is wrong with them. These can lead to fears of violence, feelings of abandonment by loved ones, substance use, and experiences of depression, anxiety, PTSD or self-harm.
The LGBTQIA community is also largely invisible and vulnerable to bias by institutions such as religion and healthcare. Often, a lack of awareness and openness in talking about mental health and a lack of cultural competence in healthcare prevent people from seeking help and support.
Affirmative therapy understands that a person’s sexual orientation and gender identity cannot be changed and that it is not the root cause of their problems. Instead, it respects and regards all sexualities and genders positively and provides an affirming space for its clients.
Mental health professionals trained in affirmative therapy are aware of the challenges that their clients have to face, such as discrimination, stigma, external and internalised bias, as well as the unique culture and lifestyle of LGBTQIA communities. Affirmative therapists are aware of and try to combat societal norms, their own biases, and internalised homophobia in their clients.
Affirmative therapy does not pathologise sexual minorities but instead focuses on how they think and feel about it. It aims at making them more comfortable with their identity by providing a safe and non-judgmental space devoid of hostility, prejudice, and bias.
It can, thus, help individuals by enhancing awareness and acceptance of sexual identity and orientation, dealing with the stigma they face, and providing support in the coming out or transitioning processes. Affirmative therapists also share resources with their clients and help foster supportive relationships.
Therapy can also help in understanding the coexistence of religious and sexual or gender identities, and attempting to integrate the two rather than espousing one over the other. Similarly, it can help in devising solutions for the sometimes contradictory needs of expressing identity and being safe from abuse.
If you find that you no longer enjoy the things that you used to, feel tired or sad most of the time, or avoid spending time with people, it may be time to see a professional. Similarly, take note if you find yourself using substances to cope or having thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
Remember that it is never too late to reach out for help.