Amaha / / /
Published on
18th Dec 2017
You might typically experience worry in daily life when you expect something negative to happen, or think of something as threatening to you. When you worry about the fact that you are worried, you might actually be fueling worry. This is why it is essential to realize that worry is a normal - and often instinctive - response to possible threatening events.
Worry might not always be a bad thing - in fact, it might play an important role in helping you pay attention to the task at hand and take the precautions necessary to protect yourself. For instance, if you are worried about an upcoming work presentation, you are likely to prepare in advance so you can give it your best. This means that worry can actually help you perform well in certain situations. On the other hand, if worry becomes excessive, it can hamper your ability to tackle the problem or focus clearly.
Moreover, when you worry, you worry about something specific - for example, you may worry about is often related to health, family, money or work. At the same time, when the threat is resolved or dealt with, your worry subsides. For example, when your presentation is over, your worry also subsides. This also means that worry tends to be brief and temporary.
Excessive worry, on the other hand, can manifest itself in the form of verbal thoughts, mental images, as well as physical symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, restlessness, pain, nausea and palpitations. Your body responds to danger through a host of changes, such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, tightening of muscles, and heightened overall arousal. These changes, over time, can cause greater distress and interfere with your daily functioning.
Excessive worry tends to be more vague, which means that the matter of concern is more generic and it , can change. Because excessive worry is not related to a specific concern, it tends to linger and persist. These concerns tend to be more unrealistic and unlikely, or may not be considered a threat by others in a similar situation (like worrying about physical health in the absence of physical symptoms).
To be able to differentiate between worry and excessive worry, you need to understand the effects your worry has on you. If you feel that your worry does not allow you to take up challenges or enjoy yourself, - or if you experience some of the above-mentioned characteristics of excessive worry - to you can always reach out to a trained professional who is equipped to help you.