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The Role of Therapy in Managing Personality Disorders

Personality disorders

Published on

3rd Feb 2023


Key Takeaways:

  • Personality disorders are characterised by persistent unhealthy patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

  • These behaviours deviate from cultural norms and expectations and cause significant impairment in daily functioning.

  • Some commonly used therapy options for personality disorders include dialectical behaviour therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy.

Each human is made up of unique characteristics, and different ways in which they think, feel, or act. Genetic or environmental factors can often influence these differences. However, when the patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving become inflexible and atypical, it leads to certain mental health conditions or personality disorders. 

Also read: 5 Therapist Recommended Techniques to Deal With Intrusive Thoughts

Overview of personality disorders

A personality disorder is a persistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that deviates from cultural norms and expectations and leads to significant distress or impairment in daily functioning. These patterns are stable over time and across situations and lead to significant impairment in personal, social, and occupational functioning. It usually emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood and continues over time without treatment. The symptoms of a personality disorder can significantly impact a person's ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, perform well at work or school, and engage in other daily activities.

Types of personality disorders

There are many types of personality disorders, each depending on the signs or symptoms one has. A few of them are:

  • Paranoid personality disorder

  • Schizoid personality disorder

  • Schizotypal personality disorder

  • Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

  • Histrionic personality disorder

  • Narcissistic personality disorder

  • Avoidant personality disorder

  • Dependent personality disorder

  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

How to select the right type of therapy for a personality disorder?

The first step to selecting the correct type of therapy is diagnosing the condition. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) has all the criteria for diagnostic symptoms for each personality disorder. It is used by doctors and mental health professionals to help people understand what they are going through and find out the exact diagnosis.

The next step is to know the severity of your condition. The treatment plan suggested by your therapist or psychiatrist can vary depending on the type and severity of your personality disorder.  

Among the many types of psychotherapy options, some have shown effectiveness in the treatment of personality disorders. A few of the commonly used personality disorders therapy options are: 

  • Psychoanalytic or psychodynamic therapy: Psychoanalytic theory emphasises the unconscious mind. The thoughts, feelings, and experiences that unconsciously shape our behaviour and emotions. The psychodynamic approach uncovers these dynamics through techniques like free association, transference, and interpretation of dreams. This can help you gain insight into your unconscious mind, identify conflicts and resolve them.

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) combines cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) with mindfulness. It helps individuals regulate their emotions and decrease self-destructive behaviours. 

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you identify and change negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. The therapy process includes ways to change thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in your current situation. It is used to treat many mental health conditions and personality disorders.

Benefits of therapy for personality disorders

A few of the benefits of Personality Disorders include:

  • You will have a deeper insight into your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This can help you become more aware of yourself and more mindful.

  • Therapy can help reduce symptoms of the disorder including any distress and negative thought patterns.

  • You will be able to regulate emotions better which can help improve your relationships with your loved ones. 

  • Therapy can help you become more resilient and improve your coping skills. This can enhance your self-worth and boost your self-esteem.

When to seek help for personality disorder?

You should seek professional help when:

  • You start facing extreme difficulties or conflicts in your relationships. You feel impulsive or are going through extreme mood swings. 

  • You’re facing intense fear and can’t control your emotions or anger outbursts.

  • You face difficulty in coping with stressors and begin to rely on substances 

  • Thoughts or behaviours that are self-destructive or harmful to others.

  • You have impaired functioning and managing your daily activities.

Dealing with personality disorders can be challenging and difficult to live with.  However, consulting a therapist can help you find the right treatment plan and help ease these symptoms, reducing their severity.

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