Amaha / / /
Published on
31st Oct 2022
Deciding to talk about your anxiety or depression to your loved ones is definitely a big step. It can be challenging to find the energy to reach out, and the fear of being judged can also add to your reservations. This can be scary. However, opening up to the right people about your mental health is one of the most effective ways to get the support you need to get better. Once you open up to a loved one or someone you trust, seeking professional support can seem a lot less overwhelming. It also provides you with a safety net of people to lean onto, on the days that you feel very low. Surrounding yourself with supportive people reminds you that you are not alone and you are loved, even on days you don’t feel so.
Deciding who to speak to about your mental health condition can feel like an overwhelming decision. There will be people who don’t understand - and it is not your responsibility to convince them of what you are going through. A good place to start would be those people in your life who have been supportive and non-judgemental in the past.
If you have close friends and family members whom you trust, this is a good option. It can be a cathartic experience to open up to the people closest to you since you no longer need to hide what you are feeling. Start with one person who you can rely on completely and share how you are feeling with them.
Reaching out to a therapist or a psychiatrist can be a great option if you find yourself unable to open up about your issues to other people. They can help you find a way to talk about your anxiety or depression in a way that you feel most comfortable with. They can also help you get better through talk therapy, medication or a combination of the two.
If you are not ready to talk about your feelings to anyone, you can still find the support you need from people who will understand, and are going through similar experiences as you. This can leave you feeling empowered and make you realise that you are not alone.
When you do decide to reach out to someone close to you, it is natural that you will feel some apprehension and uncertainty. Remind yourself that opening up about what you feel can be very liberating and can benefit your mental health in the long run. After all, we need a support system to reach out when things seem overwhelming.
Here are a few tips on how to talk to someone with anxiety and depression as easily as possible.
You don’t need to force yourself to talk about your mental health when you don’t want to. It is okay if you aren’t ready.
This can be a park, a coffee shop or your own home.
Remember, there are no guidelines for this. You can share as little as you want. You don’t have to feel obligated to answer any questions you don’t feel like. Simply say that you are not ready to talk about it just yet.
This can be hard when you are suffering from anxiety or depression. Remember that even if they don’t understand what you are going through, they love you and would want to be there for you.
If you do not know what to say, noting down a few pointers can be helpful. This will give you a chance to sift through what you want to say and you will find that it is much easier to express yourself.
It is natural for your close friends or family to want to help you feel better. It might be helpful to think beforehand about what you would need from them. It can be something like coming to drop you off at therapy or holding you accountable if you indulge in harmful coping mechanisms. It might also be worthwhile to set some boundaries if you think that they may try to ‘fix’ you.
Having supportive people in your life who know what you are going through can be immensely helpful in your mental health recovery journey. Remember, you are not alone.